I'm not a very complicated person. I like to think that I am but that's really just nonsense. I get by with a little help from my friends and a whole lot of help from my faith as represented by our "community of believers". So it's all about the little things...

One of those "little things" these days is scripture. While that might be apparent to some as in "isn't that the same for all of you churched people?", it might surprise you to hear that there are a lot of things that get in the way of spending quality time with the bible. Administrative tasks, planning, and preparation, policy and polity, and people. Life in ministry for me is all about managing expectations and distractions and so the quiet times when I can sit back and read are not as prevalent as I'd like so what is the solution? Remembering how much I enjoy both prayerful meditation and reading from The Good Book. 

This morning I decided that my Twitter feed needed a purpose so decided to take on the Psalms. Starting with Psalm 1, I will tweet a verse from the Psalm of the day and indicate a focus or purpose around that verse. It's Twitter so it might not be a lot of words but I'm hoping that using my scriptural muscles (the ones I don't use a lot and yes, LOL) will enable me to expand and contract as I process and share.

I'm also a big believer that there is no such thing as coincidence so I was both surprised and delighted to get an early Christmas present this morning and that is "The Psalms: the Prayer Book of Jesus" written by J.W. Gregg Meister. I'm sure that these meditations on the Psalms will lift me up and inspire me to share - as we often say prior to sermons, "may the words of our mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be pleasing and acceptable to you" and I'm hoping that you find my offerings of interest. 


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