Summer time in the City

It's almost Halloween and that means that the warm weather is at last here. I'm once again grateful for the small things and that small thing today is wearing shorts to work. That's especially nice today because I'm starting my morning at Kaiser for a medical checkup.

The doctor's visit is different. I had an event that landed me in the ER and I'm still feeling uncomfortable and really want to know why. My primary care physician is on top of things but so far doing it over email and I'm not quite okay with that. I'm fine with the concept but how do you do a consult with a urologist digitally? More will be revealed...

One small note on the digital side of life is that I just installed (seems like much too big a word for screwed in a cable) an antenna and lo and behold, local stations are available and digitally so. Missing some stations I ama attached to for sports but if I can figure that out, whatever television habit I have can be sated.

That's it for today, talk tomorrow!


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