The week that is...

Mondays are interesting days for me. With Sunday being my first day of the week, Mondays were, for a while, catchup and contemplation. Peaceful days that allowed the events of Sunday to seep slowly and evenly and yes, completely into my root structure. Then we started a men's bible study first thing (8 am!) in the morning and then I was asked to take a shift on the reception desk and suddenly, Monday became a much different day and for that, I am grateful.

Monday morning bible study with my pastor and brothers in faith has proved to be undeniably worth the lost sleep. And the lessons learned on Sunday become more profound through that lens. Adding in the front door tasks - greeting and helping people, answering questions about a little bit of everything. By the time I make it up to my office I am grounded. My head is full and I have crazy pages of notes but I know where I am and why and what else could one ask for?

I walk out tired but in balance and looking forward to what is to come even when I have no idea what that might be. And a little bit of mystery is a good thing since it keeps me coming back.


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